November 3rd
I'm about to walk to Derby train station, meet CJ and travel to Leeds in order to perform upstairs in the Packhorse pub and hopefully see some friends of the MA in Activism and Social Change that I'm currently on temporary leave from. Since last writing things have been full on yet ultimately positive and exciting. On Tuesday I hung out at CJ house to rehearse. His writing is incredible. He has written a piece about a friend of his who inspired him when he was younger called Live Like A Lion For A Day. His friend lived fast and died young but was a huge inspiration to CJ. He was an artist who lived by his own rules and did things his own way, refusing to conform to societys expectations or the pressure of his peers. Our whole set is dedicated to people like that. It's dedicated to the outcasts, the misfits, the activists, the free thinkers, that part of all of us that rebels, that holds on to our dignity and says 'Fuck that I just want to be free', 'Fuck that I just want us all to be free'. But yeah, we'll see how tonight and tomorrow night goes. After that I headed home, made a soup of out of veg, seeds, nuts and a few other bits and bobs, watched Food Inc documentary whilst making a placard for Saturdays City-Zen before hitting the wooden hill and having a completely sleepless nights plagued by surreal and vivid dreams. That's what happens when you take the Bow out of the equasion. Guess I need to get used to it.
Wednesday morning I decided to piss about with the camcorder on my phone and make a little clip that's bigging up the City-Zen Against the Cuts events that are coming up throughout November and try to upload that on to facebook. I've been a bit hesitant to do anything like that before but thought that it'd be a good idea to use as different mediums to promote what's happening as possible. Rather than being hesitant and doing nothing I decided to just do it. As long as it's informative then hopefully it's done it's job. I then walked to Baby People PRU where I work with young people that have been kicked out of school and helped to support R who was delivering a session with CP. CP is 14 years old and we were both talking about our ideal future before writing a Grime track about it. It was good to question our answers, digging deeper into our motivations and justifications for wanting certain things out of life. 'Yeah, but why?', 'but why', 'and why is it that you want that? Is it that you really want that or that having that will make you feel as though you have this?', 'What other questions should we be asking about the future?'. It was a wicked session and CP wrote and recorded some really positive and thoughtful lyrics. Once we'd said peace and gone our seperate ways I sorted a few things out on the internet, including printing a copy of the RamPAGES to leave lying around the office and then headed home.
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