Friday, 25 February 2011

EMPOWERING DERBY: Resisting & Creating Change in 2011

Hello my friends,

As you may know myself, Ruth Richardson and Joe Coghlan have organised, are promoting and shall be facilitating an open space technology (Read "clever and exciting way of collectively solving problems") event on February 27th @ The Ukrainian Centre. We want as many people to come to this event as possible as we believe the more people coming to share ideas and learn from each other the more empowered we shall become as a community at a time when things in this country and all over the world are getting extremely difficult due to the political and economic climate that we find ourselves immersed in.

Why should I come to the EMPOWERING DERBY event?

Everyone's talking about change but what are we doing? What do we do?

This event is for you, your next door neighbour and everyone else in our community who has had enough of the struggles and injustices we face and instead want to create a better world for ourselves and the people around us.

Whilst the ConDem government blame and punish the british people for a financial crisis created by bankers, corporate capitalism continues to wreak havoc on the global population. 2.8 billion people still live on less than $2 a day and 20% of the global population consume 80% of it's resources. Genodical wars are fought for resources, species become extinct as entire ecosystems are threatened whilst water shortages and soil erosion witness preventable famines and droughts that kill hundreds of thousands daily.

The rich are getting significantly richer whilst the poor are not only getting poorer but are also having their benefits and welfare services taken away as public spending cuts are justified in the name of reducing the deficit. The list goes on and all of us are being affected to some extent. The bank bail out has been described as the biggest single redistriubtion of wealth from the poor to the rich in centuries. The global recession shows no sign of slowing and it's impacting upon ordinary people globally. Our millionaire politicians sit in the pockets of the transnational corporations and banks that drive the capitalist system and benefit from our poverty. To wait for them to solve our problems seems increasingly futile. 

So how can we overcome the problems we face as a community? 
Together we have all of the questions, answers, skills, knowledge, experience and ability we need to resist and create whatever changes we care about the most. By coming together, learning from each other, sharing ideas and exploring the possible alternatives and solutions that exist we find strength and motivation in the inspiring sense of possibility that comes from connecting with the wider community. By the end of the day we shall have practical solutions for social change and ways of putting them in place. We shall feel satisfied, stimulated, inspired and motivated and this is just the beginning.

We look forward to seeing everone there.

To find out more call 07539316596 or 07891735796 or email

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