Thursday, 24 February 2011

What's that? A blog? I wonder which act of narcissistic self-indulgence shall be next??

'ello there. I've wanted to set up a blog for a few months now but have struggled to find one with a suitable name that hadn't already been taken. I was trying to get Question the Answer, which is the title of my forthcoming album of collaborations but the domain name was taken and I wanted something that wasn't focussed on a particular project but instead something that could act as an umbrella for everything I'm involved in. I let the idea slide and cracked on pissing about on facebook and leading my relatively manic and slightly amusing existence.

The other day however I was sitting down, something which I find myself doing on a variety of interesting and sometimes less interesting occasions, whilst thinking about The Revolution of Everyday Life by situationist Raoul Vaneigem and the chapter titled Masters Without Slaves. I love that book, it's lucidity, the   poetic and critically on point portrait painted of contemporary consumer society and the spectacle that keeps the masses passive rather than actively participating is as relevant today as it has ever been. I was simultaneously going through my to-do list and thinking about the pros and cons of spreading myself so thin - there was Masters degree, Youth Work, City-Zine, City-Zen, For The People By The People, Empowering Derby, Question the Answer, pay bills, move house, buy food from Sound Bites, take a shit, you know the deal - which is something I've thought about alot over the years. Again, I arrived at the same conclusion which is that I cant help but follow my passions. I could channel my energy into one thing and be amazing at it or I could do the things I enjoy and believe in whilst developing a variety of different skills, working with a variety of different people and scattering a variety of different seeds across the terrain I travel. Each to their own I guess.

Either way, the outcome, the synthesis of these seemingly unrelated thought processes gave birth to a new aspiration, ideal and motto for being, or at the very least the title for a blog, even if the domain wasn't available. With a nod to D.I.Y culture, self-empowerment and co-operating with others to achieve our goals. Why not aim to be a jack or Jill of all trades and a master of none (as in no-one, oh sorry you got that, just thought I'd better...anyway)

But what's the point of starting a blog? Hmm...


  1. What is the point of starting a blog? x

  2. Woops, sorry love! I accidently made a comment whilst still signed in as you! Ruth x
