It's 13.02 Thursday afternoon, sat cross legged in bed writing about the day before. What a wicked day. Despite the Valarian tea bags I had absolutely zero sleep, instead a dominating cloud of thought looming inside my mind regarding Autonomism and the great debate, which kept me awake all night. I opened up the studio at 9.30am caught up with the young people there, listening to their varying trials and tribulations, asking them relevant questions at relevant moments but generally aspiring to allow them to explore being themselves, helping them help themselves where necessary and generally emphasising the importance of everyone being happy. Had a good chat to Baby J about the EDL, Love Music Hate Racism and the Global Youth Work training before locking up the studio at 2.30pm and embarking upon my day.
I'd invited the City-Zen collective as well as a few other close friends round our house for dinner and drinks. Thought it would be a fun and enjoyable thing to do as well as a wise way to mix up the formality of meetings which don't always meet everyone's desired way of sorting things out. Before getting ready I did some reading about the Socialist Worker Partys conceptions, ideas and thoughts regarding Autonomism thanks to the resources provided to me by my friend at Leeds University. We'll see how the debate goes come Thursday evening (Tonight at time of writing). I headed down stairs, chucked some music on and started cooking a super soup. Onion, red onion, 4 cloves of garlic, courgette, 4 carrots, 2 tins of tomatoes, tin of beans, lentils, broccoli, mushrooms, whole red pepper, whole green pepper, spring onion, sweet chill sauce, 2 cubes of vegetable stock, mixed herbs, salt, few pints of water and left to boil for half an hour whilst I got things ready for peoples arrival.
Laura, Fan, Sophie, Glenn, Paul, Johnny, R Kelly, Perry, Joe, Joe, Todd, Amit, Dave, Ruth and a few others came, ate food, drank smoothies, lots of alcohol, listened to music and conversed amidst a variety of other lesser practised human activities. It was great to see everyone, connect, share, learn from and enjoy. This is a significantly important part of what all of it is about. It's about us here and now. It's about how we come together, who we are and what we do, together. It's about enjoying each other, benefitting from each other and understanding the collective potency of each other. It's about being free, happy, together. Fuck knows what time I dragged my sorry shit pipe to bed and fuck knows what sort of state the kitchen and garden are in. Time to make the long walk to the post office pick up the solidarity pamphlets from Sound Bites, come home, tidy up and prepare for this evenings debate. It is what it is. But what do you think? Do we need leaders?
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